AN11G: Power Systems for AIX 1: LPAR Configuration and Planning
Learn how to perform system administration in a IBM Power Systems environment. Learn the skills needed to become an effective administrator on IBM's POWER6-based systems that support Logical Partitioning (LPAR). Learn about the features of PowerVM Editions (Advanced POWER Virtualization - APV) and how to configure and manage LPARs running AIX using the Hardware Management Console (HMC).
2.856,00 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 3 Tage
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- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat

Gabriela Bücherl
Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16
- Introduction to Partitioning
- Hardware System Overview
- Hardware Management Console
- System Planning Tool
- HMC and Managed System Maintenance
- System Power Management
- Planning and Configuring Logical Partitions
- Partition Operations
- Dynamic Resource Allocation
- Describe important concepts associated with managing POWER6 processor-based systems, such as logical partitioning, dynamic partitioning, virtual devices, virtual processors, virtual consoles, virtual Local Area Network (VLAN), and shared processors
- Describe the features of the PowerVM editions
- Use the System Planning Tool to plan an LPAR configuration
- Describe the functions of the HMC
- Configure and manage the HMC, including users and permissions, software, startup and shutdown, remote access features, network configuration, security features, HMC backup and restore options, and the HMC reload procedure
- Describe the rules associated with allocating resources, including dedicated processors, processing units for Micro- Partitions, memory, Logical Host Ethernet Adapter, and physical I/O for AIX and Linux partitions
- Configure and manage LPARs using the HMC Graphical User Interface (GUI) and HMC commands
- Interpret physical and AIX location codes and relate to the key hardware components
- Power on and power off the POWER6 system
This is an intermediate course for system administrators, system architects, system integrators, security administrators, network administrators, software engineers, technical support individuals, and IBM Business Partners who implement LPARs on IBM Power Systems with AIX.
This introductory course does not require any logical partitioning experience. -
Original IBM ebook, Englisch
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