AN61G: PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Planning, Implementation Cust. and Basic Administration
This course is designed to prepare students to install and configure a highly available cluster using PowerHA SystemMirror.
4.760,00 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 5 Tage
- Schulung im Trainingscenter
- Verpflegung
- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
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- Online Zugang
- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat

Gabriela Bücherl
Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16
- Day 1:
- Welcome and course introduction
- Unit 1: Introduction to PowerHA SystemMirror
- Unit 2: Planning and configuring network and storage
- Exercise 1: Lab setup, cluster planning, and exploring fallover
- Exercise 2: Preparing the AIX environment for PowerHA SystemMirror
- Day 2:
- Unit 3: Configuring applications for PowerHA SystemMirror
- Unit 4: Configuring a PowerHA SystemMirror cluster
- Exercise 3: Preparing an application for integration with SystemMirror
- Exercise 4: Exercise 4: Initial cluster configuration
- Day 3:
- Unit 5: Cluster validation and testing
- Unit 6: PowerHA SystemMirror administration
- Exercise 5: Cluster validation and testing
- Exercise 6: Extending the configuration
- Day 4:
- Unit 7: Events
- Unit 8: Basic Troubleshooting
- Exercise 7: Events
- Exercise 8: PowerHA SystemMirror problem determination
- Day 5:
- Unit 9: PowerHA SystemMirror installation
- Exercise 9: Install and maintain PowerHA SystemMirror
- Open lab
- Explain what high availability is
- Outline the capabilities of PowerHA SystemMirror
- Design and plan a highly available PowerHA cluster
- Install and configure PowerHA SystemMirror in the following modes of operation: Single resource group on a primary node with standby node (active/passive)
- Two resource groups in a mutual takeover configuration (active/active)
- Configure resource group startup, fallover, and fallback policies
- Perform basic system administration tasks for PowerHA
- Perform basic customization for PowerHA
- Perform basic problem determination and recovery
This course is the first in the PowerHA 7 curriculum. The following courses can be taken after this course is completed:
AN62G PowerHA Advanced Configurations
The audience for this advanced course is students who are experienced AIX system administrators with TCP/IP networking and AIX Logical Volume Manager (LVM) experience who are responsible for the planning and installation of a PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 and later cluster on an IBM Power Systems server running AIX V6.1 or later. The lab exercises are conducted on an AIX 7.1 TL2 level system.
You should be AIX system administrator and have TCP/IP, LVM storage, and disk hardware implementation skills.
These skills are addressed in the following courses or can be obtained through equivalent education and experience:
AN12G: Power Systems for AIX II: AIX Implementation and Administration - Day 1:
Original IBM ebook, Englisch
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