ES73G: IBM System z Parallel Sysplex Operations

Listenpreis 2.400,00 € exkl. MwSt.
2.856,00 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 3 Tage
Leistungen Präsenz
  • Schulung im Trainingscenter
  • Verpflegung
  • Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
Leistungen bei VCL Training
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  • Online Zugang
  • Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin der CBT

Gabriela Bücherl


Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16

  • Inhalte
    This course is designed so that students can learn how z/OS systems operate in a Parallel Sysplex environment through discussion topics and hands-on lab exercises. Students learn problem determination skills, practice enhanced sysplex operations, including management of the coupling facility (CF), and use recovery capabilities provided by the System z servers.

    Describe common sysplex terminology, concepts, and benefits provided by a Parallel Sysplex configuration
    Identify the basic hardware and software components that make up the Parallel Sysplex environment and how they are used
    Use z/OS MVS commands to identify XCF signaling and sysplex shared couple data set usage and to determine current operational status
    Describe CF operation; how and when the CFCC is loaded on a System z LPAR, the various CF link definitions and how they can be used
    Identify CF structure types, definition and allocation process, and how they are used in the CF
    Use z/OS MVS commands to display structure status
    Use CF operator commands to display and change the operational status of a CF
    Describe and demonstrate recommended procedures and typical z/OS MVS commands to manage sysplex members, coupling facilities, structure rebuilds, and couple data sets
    Identify potential problems during system removal, CF structure or CDS usage, and determine appropriate operator action
    Explain the differences and benefits of having stand-alone CF and internal CF configurations
    Describe the purpose and use of Sysplex Failure Manager and how SFM can be used to address sympathy sickness
    Explain why time synchronization is important and how server time protocol is used
    Describe console usage and mode of operation for a system and a sysplex
    Describe the IPL sequence and identify where and when sysplex activation is done during IPL
    Identify key areas with the IPL, explaining potential problems and how to avoid them


    Basic data processing and I/O concepts and terminology
    z/OS console operation, including display of device, job, and console status
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    • Individuelle Zusammenstellung der Themen, gemäß Ihren Anforderungen
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Elektrastr. 6a, D-81925 München

+49 (0)89 4576918-40


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