ES96G: Hardware Configuration and Definition (HCD) for z/OS

Learn to work with the Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) function for z/OS, and to plan and initiate dynamic reconfiguration of your zSeries hardware environment. Learn to use the HCD dialogs of z/OS to create an Input/Output (I/O) configuration and dynamically alter the I/O configuration. Learn about the creation of an I/O Configuration Dataset (IOCDS) and various reports that HCD can build. Use a z/OS system to reinforce lecture topics and to practice working with the HCD dialogs. Hands-on lab projects may be done in teams depending on the number of attendees and location.

Listenpreis 3.200,00 € exkl. MwSt.
3.808,00 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 4 Tage
Leistungen Präsenz
  • Schulung im Trainingscenter
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Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin der CBT

Gabriela Bücherl


Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16

  • Inhalte
    Day 1
    Unit 1: HCD introduction
    Unit 2: IOCP and MVSCP macro review
    Unit 3: HCD dialog
    Unit 4: LPAR and logical control unit concepts
    Unit 5: OSAs, OSA/ICC and HiperSockets
    Unit 6: Review of zSeries hardware
    Exercise 1: Overview of lab environment
    Exercise 2: HCD familiarity

    Day 2
    Unit 7: zSeries I/O architecture: Logical channel subsystems
    Unit 8: Advanced DASD concepts: EAV/PAV and multiple subchannel sets
    Unit 9: FICON, FICON CTCs, and FICON directors
    Exercise 3: Coding a zSeries 2817
    Exercise 4: Adding FICON directors to your configuration (optional)
    Exercise 5: Incremental migration from IOCP deck (optional)

    Day 3
    Unit 10: HCD implementation and migration
    Unit 11: IPL and LOADxx member
    Unit 12: Dynamic I/O reconfiguration
    Unit 13: z196 HCD and using CMT
    Exercise 6: Building a LOADxx member
    Exercise 7: Perform dynamic I/O

    Day 4
    Unit 14: FICON CTCs for sysplex
    Unit 15: HCD and Parallel Sysplex
    Exercise 8: Coding a 2817 using the CMT
    Exercise 9: Coding CF coupling links
    Exercise 10: Coding sysplex FICON CTCs

    Describe new zSeries processor technology
    Code new zSeries processors (z9 to z196)
    Code FICON channels and FICON CTCs
    Code Coupling Facilities (CF) and CF links
    Code cascaded FICON Directors
    Create an IODF work file on a z processor from scratch
    Use CHPID mapping tool to create a validated work IODF
    Use work IODF and create a production IODF
    Perform Dynamic I/O changes on a real z/OS system
    Build a LOADxx parmlib member for initial program load (IPL)
    View configuration graphically
    Create appropriate configuration reports

    This course is for people who are responsible for maintaining the I/O configuration contained in the input/output data files (IODFs) and input/output configuration data sets (IOCDs) at their z/OS installation.

    A basic knowledge of z/OS and I/O configuration
    This knowledge can be developed on the job, or by taking Fundamental System Skills in z/OS (ES10A).
  • DatumOrtStatusAktionspreisBuchen Angebot
    14.04. – 17.04.2025 München
    14.04. – 17.04.2025 Virtual Classroom LIVE
    11.08. – 14.08.2025 Stuttgart
    11.08. – 14.08.2025 Virtual Classroom LIVE
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    in unseren oder Ihren Räumlichkeiten oder als Online LIVE Schulung statt.

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    • Individuelle Zusammenstellung der Themen, gemäß Ihren Anforderungen
    • Maßgeschneidert auf Ihre Ziele
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    • Schulungsort: Ob bei Ihnen vor Ort, in unseren Trainingsräumen oder als Online LIVE Training – Sie entscheiden
    • Firmenschulungen sind oft kostengünstiger, vor allem bei einer größeren Anzahl von Mitarbeitern
    • Rundum-Service in unseren Räumen, damit sich Ihre Mitarbeiter voll auf den Kurs konzentrieren können

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CBT Training & Consulting GmbH
Elektrastr. 6a, D-81925 München

+49 (0)89 4576918-40


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