WM508G: IBM MQ V8 Application Development (Linux Labs)
2.856,00 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 3 Tage
- Schulung im Trainingscenter
- Verpflegung
- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
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- Online Zugang
- Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat

Gabriela Bücherl
Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16
- Describe key IBM MQ components and processes
- Explain the impact of design and development choices in the IBM MQ environment
- Describe common queue attributes and how to control these attributes in an application
- Differentiate between point-to-point and publish/subscribe messaging styles
- Describe the calls, structures, and elementary data types that compose the message queue interface
- Describe how IBM MQ determines the queue where messages are placed
- Explain how to code a program to get messages by either browsing or removing the message from the queue
- Describe how to handle data conversion across different platforms
- Explain how to put messages that have sequencing or queue manager affinities
- Explain how to commit or back out messages in a unit of work
- Describe how to code programs that run in an IBM MQ Client
- Explain the use of asynchronous messaging calls
- Describe the basics of writing publish/subscribe applications
- Describe the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
- Differentiate among the various IBM MQ Light AMQP implementations
- Explain how to use IBM MQ applications to interface with IBM MQ Light
This course is designed for application developers and architects who are responsible for the development and design of IBM MQ applications.
- Successful completion of Technical Introduction to IBM MQ (WM103G), or comparable experience with IBM MQ
- Experience in business application design
- Experience in C language development
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